Archive for January, 2014

A Good Start

Posted: January 10, 2014 in Uncategorized

2014 has barely begun, but we already have some positive news when it comes to drinking and driving in our state. Initial reports coming in across the state show lower numbers of drunk driving arrests over the holiday season.

While there are many different aspects to this number going down, we can’t help but think part of it, is people are listening. The victims MADD works with spend a lot of time speaking in the community about the true cost of drinking and driving and MADD staff and volunteers are sharing statistics and educating people across the state. So when we see that more people this holiday season made the choice to NOT drive after drinking we can’t help but hope that the message is getting across.

Maybe, this is a sign of a good start for 2014. One where we see DUI arrests and deaths decrease on our roads in the state. The numbers should be inspiration for those working across the state to make a difference in this fight against drunk driving. Each person making the choice to designate a non-drinking driver, is a person who has heard the message and realizes the risks you take when you get behind the wheel after drinking, are not worth it.

So, we are off to a good start for the year. We encourage you all to keep up the good work and take heart, because together we are all making a difference.