Posts Tagged ‘Halloween Safety’

I am all about treats and NO tricks!  Remember the days of walking hand in hand with your folks down the neighborhood to visit friends and knock on doors.  I loved going out and coming home to warm cider, donuts and popcorn especially on a school night – that was a treat in itself.

As I fondly think of my times in Wahoo going about with friends, I also think about where we are today and that this year Halloween is on a Saturday – EEKKK!!!

To me that spell’s trouble with a capital “T”. Little ones will scurrying about, while young adults are out traveling in cars and everyone in between being festive & enjoying a good old Husker Game Day.images

I know I have said it before but it can never be stated too many times. Your seat belt is your best defense against a drunk driver.  Staying in the car during a crash increases your survival rate by 65%, any coach would welcome a figure like that for their defense come game time. So when you and the little ones travel to see family and friends – buckle up each time every time.  When the twenty something’s head out the door for the costume party remember – buckle up each time every time. And be a sport when you and your friends head for home after the Husker game Saturday – buckle up each time every time.

buzzedlogoIf we all do our part by: wearing our seat belts, making sure kids are in costumes that reflect light, young adults don’t drink unless they are 21,  and always have a designated sober driver.

Make sure your Halloween isn’t scary and make sure your home is filled with treats! trick_or_treat_cover_lrg 

Simera Reynolds, M.Ed.
State Executive Director