Posts Tagged ‘JAMA’

Children are our greatest resource and our future.
Children are our greatest resource and our future.

If you see an adult who is visibly impaired attempting to drive with a child in the car:

  • Calmly suggest alternative transportation, recommend the driver postpone travel.
  • Call 911 with as much information as possible (name of driver, vehicle description, license plate, destination).
  • Document situation so that your notes can be used later.
  • Notify another parent or caregiver of the situation.
  • Teach children techniques for keeping themselves safe if they are ever forced to ride with an impaired driver.
  • Report your concerns to the appropriate agency.

Here at MADD we often get calls from concerned parents, family members and neighbors about witnessing a child riding with a drinking driver. 

In May 2000, JAMA reported that “66% of the children 14 years of age and younger that died in an alcohol-related crash died while riding with a parent, caregiver or guardian”.

MADD feels that is unacceptable.  We can do better and MADD is working hard to educate everyone that “Every Child Deserves a Designated Driver“.  As summer fast approaches, make your plans and sitck to them for the child’s sake.

 Simera Reynolds

State Executive Director